Alternative Day of Giving-YSDA

Johnson City, TN  YDSA at ETSU unequivocally denounces the removal of Coach Jason Shay for supporting his majority-black basketball team in their efforts to protest and draw attention to systemic racism. We believe the punitive actions of the administration against the free expression of students and the rights of workers are incompatible with the university’s mission to protect free speech, the rights of all students regardless of race, and campus workers. The university has a duty to protect the interests of its students and workers, who pay tuition and provide the labor that keeps the university running, not the interests of its reactionary donors who take umbrage with black students exercising their right to non-violent protest against racism in our country. 

​We agree with President Noland: “we must acknowledge, unequivocally, that racial injustice and systemic racism exist.” This systemic racism, we must however add, is not only upheld by conscious actors of bigotry and prejudice, but spineless bureaucrats who kowtow to the demands of monied interests, as well. With the removal of Coach Jason Shay, the university has made clear they care more about the opinions of prominent donors and legislators than students’ right to demonstrate or the struggle against racism. 

The University’s Day of Giving (April 15) is intended to promote the interests of the region by giving to one of the region’s largest institutions. However, as the university has turned its back on its students and non-affluent members of the community, we propose members of the community withhold their funds from ETSU and contribute to our Alternative Day of Giving to be held concurrently with the events of the day in order to realize the unfulfilled promises of our university. Proceeds from the Alternative Day of Giving will be evenly distributed between two groups aimed at the advancement of people of color and the working class of our community: the NAACP of Washington County and Tri-Cities Mutual Aid Network.