
Much of the work at the Johnson City-Washington County Branch NAACP is done through committees. All of our committees are happy to receive new volunteers. Find a committee that suits you, then attend one of our monthly meetings (4th Monday of the month, 6:30 pm, at Carver Rec in Johnson City), contact the Unit president, Rayford Johnson  or fill out the form at the bottom of this page to express your interest.


Active Committees

This committee seeks to eliminate segregation and other discriminatory practices in public education. It studies local educational conditions affecting minority groups, investigates the public school system and school zoning, and familiarizes itself with textbook material to identify racially derogatory texts. The committee strives to correct abuses where found, promote parental involvement, and aims to be a center of popular education on the race questions and on the work of the Association.


Freedom Fund
Plans and conducts fund-raising activities, entertainment, and other projects for local and national purposes, within the scope of the Association’s program. These activities include the organizing of our annual Freedom Fund Banquet.


Criminal Justice
This committee seeks to eliminate harsh and unfair sentencing practices that are responsible for mass incarceration and racial disparities in the prison system. It fights for the restoration of voting rights of formerly incarcerated people and the removal of barriers to employment. It elevates the voices of crime victim survivors in order to identify and advance systemic breakdowns in existing in the criminal justice system that perpetuate crime. It seeks the institution and availability of alternatives to incarceration, including education, employment, and mental health services. It works to eliminate zero tolerance policies in schools and investigates programs implemented in our local law enforcement agencies which derail from their main purpose of safety and order to conduct the work of federal agencies for which they do not have the capacity. It also seeks budget modifications in states where incarceration receives more funding than education.


Political Action
Seeks to increase voter registration and turnout, works for the enactment of municipal, state, and federal legislation designed to improve the educational, political, and economic status of minority groups, seeks the repeal of racially discriminatory legislation, works to improve the administration of justice, works to secure equal enforcement of the law, and keeps the National Office and Unit informed of all proposed legislation which affects minority groups. This committee is nonpartisan and shall not endorse candidates for public office.


This committee throughout the year to maintain and increase the membership of the Association. It is responsible for planning and organizing the annual membership campaign and, on a continuous basis, for soliciting new members and securing renewals. The committee also initiates all possible means to obtain Life Members and sponsor a continuing program towards this end.


Communications, Press & Publicity
In addition to working to secure publicity for the work of the Unit in the local press and on radio, television, and other media and forwarding items covering the Unit and important local affairs to THE CRISIS, this committee counters derogatory and erroneous statements in local news media about Blacks and other minority groups and educates the local press on conditions affecting minority groups.


Religious Affairs
This committee includes ministerial and lay religious leaders who are members of the Unit. Its purpose is to promote an educational program designed to give moral and ethical interpretation to the civil rights struggle, interpret the work of the Association to organized religious groups of all faiths, enlist the support of such organized religious groups for membership, fundraising, and the struggle for equality and full civil rights, and provide resource assistance for religious education and social action activities associated with the improvement of race relations.


Labor & Industry
This committee works to eliminate discriminatory employment practices in industry and government, including wage differentials based on race, unequal opportunities for training and promotion, and unfair dismissals. It encourages greater participation in the trade union movement while working to end discriminatory practices in labor unions. It works to secure the enactment of state and federal fair employment practices legislation, and works for improved training opportunities in vocational and apprenticeship training.